Times Union, Children are excited by new ideas and materials. They bring fresh energy to their work and each other. The Center Square School seeks to bring innovative creative experiences to the children (and grown-ups) of our community. Newly established at 306 Hudson street, the school takes a progresive approach to preschool education - now enrolling! In addition to preschool the Center Square School also offers a six week long summer arts camp for school age children. Taught by a working artist and art educator, campers will discover artistic mediums and explore new and experimental techniques write: centersquareschool@gmail.com visit: centersquareschool.com for details
Times Union, Children are excited by new ideas and materials. They bring fresh energy to their work and each other. The Center Square School seeks to bring innovative creative experiences to the children (and grown-ups) of our community. Newly established at 306 Hudson street, the school takes a progresive approach to preschool education - now enrolling! In addition to preschool the Center Square School also offers a six week long summer arts camp for school age children. Taught by a working artist and art educator, campers will discover artistic mediums and explore new and experimental techniques write: centersquareschool@gmail.com visit: centersquareschool.com for details